RV Soft Skills
Mastering soft skills helps you get the most from your RV.
What Are RV Soft Skills?
Let's face it: RVs are complex. Choosing the right one, knowing how to use it, keeping up with maintenance. But the physical aspect is only half the playbook.
At RV on Call we think of the RVing as having two main components: hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are about managing the rig itself; soft skills are about managing yourself, your travel companions, and the journey. Mastering both is fundamental to optimizing your overall RV experience.
Below you will find a series of blog articles addresses a variety of interesting, tricky, and sometimes overlooked and misunderstood soft skill topics to help you on your journey. Things like the attitude and expectations of you and your companions, packing checklists and physical modifications, travel routines and route plans, campground etiquette, communication techniques, and more.
Below is our curated series of soft skills articles below from our blog, with new topics added to this page periodically. Subscribe here to ensure you don't miss an update.
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RV Soft Skills Blog Articles
Browse our series of soft skills articles below from our blog.
You can also subscribe to the blog to ensure you don't miss new articles and periodic service updates from RV on Call. ​​​​​​​
5 RV Trip Planning Tips for a Smooth and Safe Adventure
Trip planning is a critical RV soft skill that will help make your trip safe and efficient and avoid bumps in the road.
This article offers tips about trip planning research, budgeting, route planning, and the golden rule of 2-2-2-2.
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It's Not the RV, It’s You: How Your Mindset Influences RV Satisfaction
Cultivating the right mindset will help you get the most out of your RV trip. An RV adventure begins not at the destination, but the moment the planning and packing begin, and through the return trip home. Even the most well-prepared person will experience hiccups when Rving. And learning to cultivate the right mindset will help you and your companions enjoy the adventure and adapt to challenges that arise with the RV lifestyle. This post addresses the best mindset to help you get the most out of your RV. Indeed, the adventure begins not at the destination, but the moment trip planning begins!
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How to Create a Complete RV Travel Itinerary + Useful Planning Tools
Creating an RV travel itinerary is a key soft skill you won’t find in your owner's manual or in a fancy newbie's book. Yet, having one will help you make the most of your time, prioritize your favorite activities, estimate expenditures, and even ensure essentials aren't left behind. In this post, we show you how to prepare an RVing itinerary so you can have a harmonious and fulfilling trip.
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RV Soft Skills and Why You Need them in Your Toolkit
RV media is packed with tips, hacks and resources covering hard skills like driving, towing, connecting to park water and power, and emptying the holding tanks. But what about the soft skills that make up the other half of the RV experience and shape who you are as an RVer? These are the intangible ingredients like your attitude and expectations. Departure routines and set-up checklists. Maintenance schedules. Travel plans and route choices. Screen time limits for kiddos (and adults?). Managing the rig is only half the equation - this post is about the other half, which can help you achieve your RV goals and more effectively managing yourself, your companions, and the journey.
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